Sunday, July 1, 2012

The US and EU oil sanctions against Iran to cripple Iranian economy

 Sahit Muja

Sahit Muja: The US and EU oil sanctions against Iran to cripple Iranian economy

 Iran dismissed a US and European Union oil embargo and said it was fully prepared to counter the impact of sanctions with a $150 billion war chest of foreign reserves.
Today the European Union is putting in place a complete embargo of oil imports from Iran .

The United States imposed a new round of sanctions that could punish any foreign country that buys Iranian oil. However, it has issued six-month exemptions to 20 importers of Iranian oil who have significantly cut their purchases, including China, which has openly opposed the pressure on Iran.

 Iran has stated that its oil exports were down 20 to 30 percent in 2011. Iran's currency has plunged near 50 percent against the dollar since last year.
The New U.S. Sanctions on Iran is having, and will continue to have, a very real and negative effect on the Iranian economy and the well being of Iranians.

Iran's bluster and saber rattling means they fear the new round of economic sanctions will work. Iran's government is more afraid of its young unemployed than America.
Tensions in Iran are growing because of  Syria and the Iranian government knows that they are vulnerable to large scale rioting against the government that might finally take it down.

The US should proceed with sanctions restricting transactions with Iran’s Central Bank.
The US should continue to focus on ensuring the safe passage of sea commerce through the Straits of Hormuz, in compliance with international laws.

The Obama's administration finally figuring out a way to get to the Iranians - through the pocket book.
The US will continue to sail into the Gulf at will and if challenged, will certainly dispatch any forces sent to block our Naval forces from entering the Persian Gulf.

A United States carrier goes nowhere without being escorted by a state the art destroyer, cruiser force, radar early warning aircraft, electronic warfare airborne and sea born spoofers and jammers capability and close liaison with in area US Air force assets.

If Iran wants a huge fire in its hand in the Straits of Hormuz, Iran army will be totally destroyed. Let Iran try messing with such a capable US battle force.
The US army technological defense perimeter is beyond anything the Iranians imagines exists. Even a radar evading missile cannot get through.
A shot at a US Carrier by Iran would draw a massive response from the US Navy.

The United States is sole superpower in this planet, no army in the world has a chance, let alone Iranian military junk from China and Russia.
The world cannot be held hostage to the threats of a madman who’s on the brink of arming his country with nuclear weapons capabilities.
Time for the Iranian people to have their own Persian spring and overthrow the Ayatollah's and President Ahmadinejad before the rest of the world have no other option.

Sahit Muja
President and CEO
Albanian Minerals
New York

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